The sun feels a-may-zing. And we Mass-dwellers wait for it all year long. But don’t put your gym membership on hold just yet. Here’s why:
Take it…inside? Reasons to workout indoors this summer!

Rita Matraia
The sun feels a-may-zing. And we Mass-dwellers wait for it all year long. But don’t put your gym membership on hold just yet. Here’s why:
- Slow and steady (skip the race). An injury can blow your whole summer. If you’re used to workouts that are gentle on your body like Pilates, a sudden change to running or other vigorous exercise outside can be too much, too soon.
- Backup is here. Even if a long road run sounds good – you never want to find yourself alone with a pulled muscle. “If you’re in my class, I’m walking around, I’m checking your form,” says Rita. “If you’re out biking on some dirt road, I can’t check your posture or tell you when you’re straining too much.”
- No motivation, no problem. A class also holds you accountable. “Sometimes I just don’t have the motivation to do my own workout,” says Callie Smith, a yoga enthusiast in Boston. “But I go to a class and everyone else motivates me.”
- Same old same … good?: It doesn’t take just 21 days to successfully establish a routine. It’s a constant battle. And disruptions (even if they seem small) can send you backwards to where you’re more at risk for going off the rails.
- Black hole sun. As much as it can feel good, you probably know the damage sun can cause, from skin cancer to premature aging. It’s especially true in the summer when the rays are stronger, even early and late in the day when it doesn’t feel as hot.
- And speaking of hot … Working out in the summer heat can be extremely dehydrating. Often by the time you realize it, your body’s already depleted.
- Are we having fun yet? BTW, is a sweaty workout really the best way to experience a gorgeous, sunny day? “I like to get my workout done solo, early,” says Callie. “That way I can really enjoy a summer day with family and friends.”
And, p.s. It’s also not an all-or-nothing proposition. For example, you might mix things up by biking to the gym for a TRX class or with a short run outdoors in the morning and then finishing with yoga. If you’re looking for indoor/outdoor workout suggestion, get in touch; we’re happy to plan something for you. Whatever you do, just be careful, be cool, and stick with it. No need to take a vacation from your body or your health.
Going away? We offer personal training sessions by Skype so you don’t have to skip a beat. Or a s’more.