SHREWSBURY — Empowering young women and opening them up to a more happy, healthy and balanced way of living is the overall premise behind You Go, Girl!, a summer program put on by Shrewsbury Youth & Family Services Inc. The four-week program, for girls ages 11-14, is designed to enhance their social and relationship skills and help them develop their self-esteem, confidence and leadership skills.
Local business owner helps empower girls through fitness

Full and original article posted on Telegram & Gazette
SHREWSBURY — Empowering young women and opening them up to a more happy, healthy and balanced way of living is the overall premise behind You Go, Girl!, a summer program put on by Shrewsbury Youth & Family Services Inc. The four-week program, for girls ages 11-14, is designed to enhance their social and relationship skills and help them develop their self-esteem, confidence and leadership skills.
Each week, a different theme is presented, exploring topics that range from team building and cooperation to body image, women’s portrayal in the media, nutrition, and thinking of fun ways to stay active.
Recently, Julianne “Julie” Roderick, one of the summer program leaders, contacted Rita Matraia of Northboro’s The Core Connection, requesting her participation in the program.
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